Salibonani bangane. Thanks to all those who write in every week to Thanks to Kuda for the contribution.
If you are just starting your journey to learn and have fun with isiNdebele, please look at the first posts at the bottom of this page (scroll down) and work your way to this, the newest post.
Lamhlanje, the question is, "What is samp, and what is it called in isiNdebele?"
Well, samp is made from corn/ mealies. Before it can get to a fine powder called "corn flour/ mealie meal" it is just the corn kernels chopped and stamped. This stage is called "samp", and is a common food in Southern Africa.
[Remember, the fine powder is called mealie meal (impuphu) and is used to make isitshwala (also called "pap" in South Africa). To see how isitshwala is made (and peanut butter spinach, which is delicious), see this little YouTube video we found earlier:]
So what is samp in isiNdebele? Well, it is either itshakada or umgqutsu. For siNdebele readers in the community, which word do you use? What traditional drinks and foods do you like - isitshwala senyawuthi, idelele, amasi, amahewu, umqombothi?
If you are just starting your journey to learn and have fun with isiNdebele, please look at the first posts at the bottom of this page (scroll down) and work your way to this, the newest post.
Well, samp is made from corn/ mealies. Before it can get to a fine powder called "corn flour/ mealie meal" it is just the corn kernels chopped and stamped. This stage is called "samp", and is a common food in Southern Africa.
[Remember, the fine powder is called mealie meal (impuphu) and is used to make isitshwala (also called "pap" in South Africa). To see how isitshwala is made (and peanut butter spinach, which is delicious), see this little YouTube video we found earlier:]
So what is samp in isiNdebele? Well, it is either itshakada or umgqutsu. For siNdebele readers in the community, which word do you use? What traditional drinks and foods do you like - isitshwala senyawuthi, idelele, amasi, amahewu, umqombothi?
Samp (itshakada) is made from coarsely ground dried corn/ mealies.
If you would like to contribute, email us at Have fun bakithi, we look forward to hearing from you.