Salibonani bangane.
If you are just starting your journey to learn and have fun with isiNdebele, please look at the first posts at the bottom of this page (scroll down) and work your way up to this, the newest post.
We have uploaded a new lessons, including the verb classes which once learnt, are simple to apply nsukuzonke. Nxa uyafuna ukufunda isiNdebele , hamba khonapha khathesi koLessons tab:
If you are just starting your journey to learn and have fun with isiNdebele, please look at the first posts at the bottom of this page (scroll down) and work your way up to this, the newest post.
We have uploaded a new lessons, including the verb classes which once learnt, are simple to apply nsukuzonke. Nxa uyafuna ukufunda isiNdebele , hamba khonapha khathesi koLessons tab:
Have fun bakithi, we look forward to hearing from you.
♫ Ndebele song artist to listen to while you learn: ♪ Dorothy Masuku♪ e.g Hamba Notsokolo or Magumede.♫