Linjani bangane. Here is some vocab:
Recap: ye/ yebo= yes
hayi, hatshi= no
unjani= how are you
ngiyaphila= I'm fine
ngiyabonga= I thank you
Inkhomitsho= cup
ilanga= sun
ugwalo= book
isinkwa= bread
uchago= milk
imibhida= vegetables
amanzi= water
ibhulungwe= trousers
phuma= come out
woza= come here
buya= come
ngena= come in
hamba= go (impolite)
"uku" in front of a verb means "to..." e.g. ukuhamba= to go, ukubuya= to come
asihambe= let's go
qoki= knock knock
ulokuza= the whats-it-ma-called/ "ummmm"
ukupopotha= to talk nonsense
njenge= like/ similar to
amapholisa= police
ukujayiva= to dance (slang)
ngicela= I ask (e.g. ngiyacela baba= C'mon, I'm asking you man, or ngicela sinkwa= I'd like some bread)
kuhle sibili (very good). Lala kuhle (sleep well)
Recap: ye/ yebo= yes
hayi, hatshi= no
unjani= how are you
ngiyaphila= I'm fine
ngiyabonga= I thank you
Inkhomitsho= cup
ilanga= sun
ugwalo= book
isinkwa= bread
uchago= milk
imibhida= vegetables
amanzi= water
ibhulungwe= trousers
phuma= come out
woza= come here
buya= come
ngena= come in
hamba= go (impolite)
"uku" in front of a verb means "to..." e.g. ukuhamba= to go, ukubuya= to come
asihambe= let's go
qoki= knock knock
ulokuza= the whats-it-ma-called/ "ummmm"
ukupopotha= to talk nonsense
njenge= like/ similar to
amapholisa= police
ukujayiva= to dance (slang)
ngicela= I ask (e.g. ngiyacela baba= C'mon, I'm asking you man, or ngicela sinkwa= I'd like some bread)
kuhle sibili (very good). Lala kuhle (sleep well)