Like, love and "uku" before a verb
Linjani bangani? (How are you friends?) Today I want to tell you about the word "thanda", which means to like or to love in isiNdebele.Ngiyathanda- I like/ love itNgiyakuthanda= I love you (a very...
View ArticleNdebele Occupations- updated
Yebo bangane, linjani? (Yes friends, how are you?)Here are some names of common occupationsumtshayeli= driver ( from tshayela= to drive)hulumende= governmentudokotela= doctorumpheki (from the verb stem...
View ArticleSome ndebele objects and verbs
Linjani bangane. Here is some vocab:Recap: ye/ yebo= yes hayi, hatshi= no unjani= how are you ngiyaphila= I'm fine ngiyabonga= I thank youInkhomitsho=...
View ArticleNdebele time
Salibonani bangane ( Hello friends). I know it has been a while since I put up a post. Today I'll talk about time, since it is fitting. As usual, if you are new, please start right at the bottom of the...
View ArticleNdebele counting
Linjani bangane? (How're you friends) Today I thought we'd go over some numbers. Again, if you're new, please start with the first post which is at the very bottom of this page, and then work your way...
View ArticleUhamba njani? (How is it going?)
Salibonani tshomi, uhamba njani? (Hello buddy/pal, how is it going?) I hope you're enjoying using some of the isiNdebele words previously discussed.*If you're new, please start at the bottom of the...
View ArticleNdebele click sounds pronounciation
Salibonani mngan'ami (hello my friend or literally "we have seen eachother friend of mine"). If you're new, please start reading from the bottom of this blog upwards. Let us just recap the basic...
View ArticleNdebele classes
Salibonani bangane. If you are new, please start at the post right at the bottom of the blog and work your way up to today's newest post. Kulungile (ok), lamuhla (today) we will go over the 8 classes...
View ArticleNdebele Body parts and Ndololwane Super Sounds
Salibonani bangane, as always, if you are new, please start with the posts at the bottom of the page and work your way up.Kulungile, lamuhla sizakubona: the human body (umzimba) There is a song that...
View ArticleNdebele books
Hawu, salibonani bakhithi (wow, greetings folks). As always, if you are new, please read from the post right at the bottom (scroll down) and then finish with today's newest post.Lamhla sizakuxoxa...
View ArticleNdebele You, me, mine, yours
Salibonani mngane (hello friend). Today, let's look at some vocab about possession and people. If you are new, as always, please start at the bottom of the blog and work up to this post. Ngiyabonga...
View ArticleModern new Ndebele words and some Ndebele vocab
Salibonani bangane (hello friends), today I want to make a short post. Again, if you are new, please look at the posts right at the bottom (scroll down) and then work your way up to today's newest...
View ArticleLocal food in Ndebele
Salibonani bangane (It is nice to see you/ hello friends).As always, if you are new, please read the siNdebele lessons from the bottom (scroll down) and work up to this, the newest post. Kahle, (good)...
View ArticleNdebele music. Try translate some of these songs bangane
Salibonani bangane (It is nice to see you/ hello friends). As always, if you are new, please read the siNdebele lessons from the bottom (scroll down) and work up to this, the newest post. As usual, the...
View ArticleNdebele names
Salibonani bangane (It is nice to see you/ hello friends). As always, if you are new, please read the siNdebele lessons from the bottom (scroll down) and work up to this, the newest post. As usual, the...
View ArticleVocab and a funny Ndebele/ Zulu video
Salibonani bangane (It is nice to see you/ hello friends). As always, if you are new, please read the siNdebele lessons from the bottom (scroll down) and work up to this, the newest post. As usual, the...
View ArticleIntroduction to the NEW 'Lessons' tab
Salibonani bangane (It is nice to see you/ hello friends). As always, if you are new, please read the siNdebele lessons from the bottom (scroll down) and work up to this, the newest post. As usual, the...
View ArticleLessons 2 and 3 are now out
Salibonani bangane (It is nice to see you/ hello friends). As always, if you are new, please read the siNdebele lessons from the bottom (scroll down) and work up to this, the newest post. As usual, the...
View ArticleiGrammar ncane (a little grammar)
Salibonani bangane (It is nice to see you/ hello friends). As always, if you are new, please read the siNdebele lessons from the bottom (scroll down) and work up to this, the newest post. As usual, the...
View ArticleNdebele songs and dancing
Salibonani bangane (It is nice to see you/ hello friends). As always, if you are new, please read the siNdebele lessons from the bottom (scroll down) and work up to this, the newest post. Lamhla, I...
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