Linjani bangane? (How're you friends) Today I thought we'd go over some numbers. Again, if you're new, please start with the first post which is at the very bottom of this page, and then work your way up to today's post.
Just something from the above, when you say "and", you'd use "lo"e.g. ngihamba lomama- I go with my mother. Ngihamba lonyoko- I go with your mother.
Kancane means a little, so if someone asked you how you're doing, you could say "kancane kancane" like the French comme ci-comme ca, or "just ok/ surviving". (The c is the soft c click sound, remember?)
A nice thing to ask in the morning, is "Uvuke njani?" which is good morning, but actually is asking the person how they woke up. To which you would reply, ngivukile - I have woken. If you are speaking to many people, you can use "li" prefix instead of "u", e.g. livuke njani?- how did you (pl) wake?
Ulele njani? - how did you sleep?
Here is another good list I found. It is in French so I put the isiNgisi (English) after the French so lamhla (today) you can learn 2 languages at once:
Sure bangane, ngicabanga ukuthi ugrand lamhla (Sure friends, I think that you're grand today. This is a bit of slang though but it's what you'd say in the City of Kings for instance)
1 | kunye |
2 | kubili |
3 | kuthathu |
4 | kune |
5 | kuyisihlanu |
6 | kuyisithupha |
7 | kuyisikhombisa |
8 | kuyisitshiyanga lombili |
9 | kuyisitshiyanga lolunye |
10 | tshumi |
Kancane means a little, so if someone asked you how you're doing, you could say "kancane kancane" like the French comme ci-comme ca, or "just ok/ surviving". (The c is the soft c click sound, remember?)
A nice thing to ask in the morning, is "Uvuke njani?" which is good morning, but actually is asking the person how they woke up. To which you would reply, ngivukile - I have woken. If you are speaking to many people, you can use "li" prefix instead of "u", e.g. livuke njani?- how did you (pl) wake?
Ulele njani? - how did you sleep?
Here is another good list I found. It is in French so I put the isiNgisi (English) after the French so lamhla (today) you can learn 2 languages at once:
bonjour (le matin) Good Morning | livuke njani |
bonjour (l'après-midi) Good afternoon | litshonile |
bonsoir Good evening | litshone njani |
au revoir Goodbye | lisale sesihamba / lisale kuhle |
excusez-moi Excuse me | uxolo / ngixolela |
merci Thank you/ We thank you a lot | ngiyabonga / siyabonga kakulu |
homme Man | indoda / amadoda |
femme Woman/ women | umfazi / abafazi |
où ? Where? | ngaphi |
quand ? When | nini |
comment ? How? | njani |
pourquoi ? Why? | ngani |
combien ? How much does it cost? | yimalini |
argent Money | imali |
cher Expensive | kuyadula |
eau Water | amanzi |
pain Bread | isinkwa |
poisson Fish | inhlanzi or kapenta (small fish eaten from Kariba) |
viande Meat | inyama |
légumes Vegetable/ s | umbhida / imibhida |
fruit | izithelo |
froid It is cold | kuyaqanda (like Zulu word kuyabanda) |
chaud it is hot | kuyatshisa |
assez Enough | kwanele (sokwanele- it is enough) |
de rien Your welcome/ it's ok | Kulungile (used very often to mean "it's ok", or "ok") |